April 27, 2024


Expect exquisite business

Master the Art of Customer Service

With an ever-increasing competition, it is not surprising that businesses have realized how important it is to make customers feel valued and important. A good service may just be what differentiates your business and sets you apart from the competition. From replying to queries, writing effective e-mails, communicating clearly, registering complaints and feedback, setting call backs and building relationships, the domain of customer service involves multiple tasks and challenges. In fact, boosting sales by cross-selling is increasingly becoming a part of this domain. Traditional methods of selling a product are quickly getting replaced by newer ones in today’s online marketplace. Representatives are, therefore, trained to identify opportunities to cross-sell and introduce new products. An excellent service not only encourages existing customers to continue to do business, it also helps to acquire new customers as existing ones engage in a word-of-mouth publicity.

To be good at customer service, representatives must be trained to acquire specific skills. As reps talk to a number of customers on a daily basis, they must learn to communicate clearly and effectively. They also need to be trained to deal with difficult scenarios, conflicts and problem situations. To acquire these necessary skills and become an expert professional, you must:

  • Assist thoughtfully and effectively
  • Improve communication skills and identify your shortcomings
  • Learn strategies to handle impatient and angry customers
  • Build and improve your customer relationships
  • Develop active listening skills
  • Learn ways to ensure a first call resolution
  • Ask relevant questions to understand precise requirements
  • Write effective e-mails

In order to assist customers effectively, representatives must give out accurate and precise information. At the same time, they should not give out false, misleading information or tell something that they are themselves not sure. This implies that they must be thoroughly familiar with their products and services. They should ask appropriate, open-ended questions to understand specific requirements. They also need to develop active listening skills and wipe out distractions such as a side conversation. Instead of interrupting in between, it’s important to summarize, paraphrase and ask questions to get clarifications and avoid any misunderstanding. An efficient service requires reps to resolve the customer’s issue in the first instance when he calls. First call resolution not only helps to cut down operating costs, it also reduces complaints and escalations. Reps, therefore, need to make an extra effort to ensure a first call resolution. Take your performance to the next level with expert advice and guidance.